Happy Monday!
I've just got back from a 4 hour meeting with Kim from the Torbay Development Agency - it was super motivating and is a good chance to stock of what you are doing and what you need to do. I haven't written a blog posts in months (very naughty) so i thought i would let you know what i have been up to.
2018 has started on brilliantly so far...we won the award for Best Wedding Accessories at the South West Wedding Awards! It was our first award and i can't tell you what an amazing feeling it was when they read our name out.
There were 320 at the event at the Crowne Plaza in Plymouth and we were placed on a big round table right at the back of the room - literally the furthest away and most complicated route to the stage. I was really deflated and thought there is no way we were going to win. a 3 course meal down and a couple of tequila shots at the bar with my other half George and we were ready for the awards ceremony to begin. They didn't do the categories in order that were in the running order so after what felt like hours they finally got to Wedding Accessories. Luckily i knew quite a few wedding suppliers there so when they read my name out the first time i got a few whoops! (That's always the scary bit - the fear of tumble weed...).
Then the presenters read out a review from the winner (the reviews are all anonymous) and i waited with bated breath..... CLAIRE AUSTIN! they read out and WOW my heart leapt!! My dad was there with his camcorder and mum and I had a massive hug. Then was the obstacle course which was the way to the stage. Many of our friends stood up in the audience and even the strangers who didn't know we were from Adam continued to clap until we got to the stage. I ran up there in excitement dragging my mum behind me where we picked up our gorgeous glass award plaque.
The rest of the evening went by in the blur... there was music and dancing by the Swing Kings, lots of congratulations from lovely strangers, photographs and then the rest of the night is a bit hazy but i think it featured a lot of slut drops on a revolving platform in a club...
Thank you so much to all our brides for voting for us, we really really appreciate it.
Lots of love Claire and Cathy xxx